
Funeral grant

Funeral grant

The funeral grant is paid to cover funeral expenses.

This benefit is due in case of death of:

  • the insured person,
  • the retired person,
  • the (disability) pensioner,
  • members of their families,
  • persons who have fulfilled the conditions for a pension.

The funeral grant is also awarded in respect of the death of the insured person after the end of insurance, if the death occurred during the period of receiving the sickness allowance, rehabilitation benefit or maternity allowance.

The funeral grant amounts to maximum PLN 4,000. It is granted to persons or entities that have covered the funeral costs.

If the funeral costs were incurred by a family member of the deceased, he/she is entitled to the grant in full amount. It is not important what the actual expenses were.

On the other hand, if the funeral costs were covered by a person from outside the family (e.g. neighbour, employer) or an entity (e.g. a residential care home, municipality, poviat, legal person, church or religious association), the funeral grant is payable in the amount of documented funeral costs, maximum PLN 4,000. If the costs were incurred by several persons or entities, the funeral grant is divided among them in proportion to their share. In 2021, 444.7 thousand funeral grants were paid in a total amount of PLN 1,776.5 million.

Legal status as of 2022