
Costs of the Social Insurance Fund

Costs of the Social Insurance Fund

Costs of the Social Insurance Fund in the years 2020-2021 by types (in million PLN)
Costs of the Social Insurance Fund Year 2020 Year2021 Percentage of 2021 expenditure

Total cost,  of which:

277,290.0 284,467.5 100.0%

Cash benefits, of which:

260,467.3 276,205.4 97.1%
pensions 229,085.2 245,505.6 86.3%

Accident an pension prevention,  of wicht

140.9 180.7 0.1%
pension prevention 67.4 100.9 0.0%
work accident prevention 73.5 79.8 0.0%
Deduction for ZUS current operation 3,865.5 3,865.5 1.4%
Other expenditure 7.4 7.3 0.0%


A total Social Insurance Fund cost  in 2021 was PLN 284,467.5 million, including:

  • expenditure for cash benefits amounted to PLN 276,205.4 million, which accounted for 97.1% of FUS expenditure; the largest being expenditure on pensions, which amounted to PLN 245,505.5 million, i.e. 86.3% of FUS expenditure,
  • expenditure on disability pension and accident prevention amounted to PLN 180.7 million, i.e. 0.1% of FUS expenditure,
  • expenditure in respect of deduction for ZUS current operation amounted to PLN 3865.5 million, i.e. 1.4% of FUS expenditure.

Costs of cash benefits from the Social Insurance Fund in 2021 by types of funds

  in PLN billion in %
Total, of which: 276.4 100.0
old-age pension fund 193.2 69.9
disability and survivors' pension fund 51.2 18.5
sickness fund 27.0 9.8
accident fund 5.0 1.8