Replacement of the disability pension with the old-age pension
14 March 2025
ZUS will grant an ex officio old-age pension (without the need to submit a claim) to persons who receive a disability pension when they reach the retirement age.
An ex officio pension is granted regardless of the insurance period. ZUS shall not grant an ex officio pension to a person who:
- has been granted a disability pension due to an accident at work or occupational disease,
- applies for a pension on reaching the retirement age.
The amount of the ex officio old-age pension may not be less than:
- the amount of the disability pension the person is receiving,
- the amount of the minimum old-age pension, if the person has completed the required period of insurance; in 2024, the minimum pension is PLN 1,780.96.
The ex officio pension is paid out by ZUS from the day on which a person reaches the retirement age. This also applies to cases of previous suspension of pension payment, e.g. due to exceeding the earnings limit. With the granting of the right to the ex officio pension, the right to the disability pension ceases.