
Costs of the Social Insurance Fund

Costs of the Social Insurance Fund

Selected costs of the Social Insurance Fund in 2022–2023 (in million PLN)
Costs of the Social Insurance Fund Year 2022 Year 2023 Percentage of 2023 expenditure

Total cost,  of which:

310,934.1 365,304.6 100.0%

Cash benefits, of which:

299,967.4 352,083.7 96.4%
pensions 269,362.1 319,533.0 87.5%
other benefits 30,605.3 32,550.7 8.9%

Accident and pension prevention,  of which:

232.1 284.1 0.1%
pension prevention 140.6 179.6 0.0%
work accident prevention 91.5 104.4 0.0%
Part of the old-age pension contribution
transferred to the Demographic Reserve Fund
2,989.8 3,429.5 0.9%
Deduction for ZUS current operation 4,910.7 5,170.2 1.4%
Other expenditure 2,834.1 4,337.1 1.2%


The costs of the Social Insurance Fund in 2023 amounted to PLN 365,304.6 million, including:

  • expenditure on cash benefits amounted to PLN 352,083.7 million, which accounted for 96.4% of FUS expenditure; the largest item in this category of expenditure is expenditure on pensions, which amounted to PLN 319,533.0 million, i.e. 87.5% of FUS costs,
  • expenditure on disability pension and accident prevention amounted to PLN 284.1 million, which accounted for 0.1% of FUS costs,
  • part of the old-age pension contribution transferred to FRD amounted to PLN 3,429.5 million, which accounted for almost 0.9% of FUS costs,
  • expenditure in respect of deduction for ZUS current operation amounted to PLN 5,170.2 million, which accounted for 1.4% of FUS costs.

Costs of cash benefits from the Social Insurance Fund in 2023 by types of funds

  in PLN billion in %
Total, of which: 352.4 100.0
old-age pension fund 256.7 72.8
disability fund 61.3 17.4
sickness fund 28.9 8.2
accident fund 5.5 1.6