
Training pensions

Training pensions

Training pension is granted to a person who fulfils the conditions required for the award of the disability pension if ZUS evaluating doctor or ZUS medical board has stated that the person should retrain because he or she is incapable of work in the current occupation.

The training pension is usually granted for 6 months. However, this period may be shortened or extended.

ZUS extends it at the request of the head of the district authority (starosta) for the time necessary to retrain. However, it may not last longer than another 30 months.

ZUS shortens the period when it receives information from the head of the district authority that a person concerned cannot be retrained to another profession or that he or she does not submit to vocational retraining.

The training pension amounts to:

  • 75% of the pension assessment basis,
  • 100% of the pension assessment basis if incapacity for work was caused by an accident at work or occupational disease.

The pension may not be lower than the minimum pension for a person who is partly incapable of work. A person who receives remuneration or income is not entitled to the pension. The amount of remuneration or income does not matter.